Tatto Art Designs
by Small Marketing Center on Nov.22, 2009, under
Tattoo adalah sebuah karya seni menghias bagian tubuh dengan gambar-gambar tertentu untuk membuat bagian tubuh tersebut tampak indah. Di beberapa daerah di dunia, seperti di Hawaii, India atau bahkan di Kalimantan, tattoo digunakan sebagai lambang atau penanda kedewasaan seseorang, terutama bagi kaum pria di daerah tersebut. Namun sebagian masyarakat masih menilai bahwa tattoo selalu berhubungan dengan hal yang negatif. Meskipun banyak yang beropini tattoo adalah salah, karena bertentangan dengan norma agama tetapi dewasa ini semakin banyak masyarakat yang membuat tattoo, baik tattoo permanen maupun temporary. Bahkan, di kalangan selebriti, tattoo adalah sebuah trend, karena banyak sekali selebriti ber-tattoo saat ini.
Bagi kamu pecinta seni TATTO, cari motiv dan gambar terbaru, sehingga anda menjadi terlihat lebih indah.
Terima Kasih.
Tattoo is a work of art to decorate the body with certain images to create the body beautiful. In some areas of the world, such as in Hawaii, India or even in Borneo, tattooing is used as a symbol or a marker of one's maturity, especially for men in the area. But some people still consider that tattoos are always associated with negative things. Although many tattoo opinion is wrong, because contrary to the norms of religions but nowadays more and more people who make a tattoo, both permanent and temporary tattoo. In fact, among celebrities, tattooing is a trend, because a lot of celebrities were present tattoo.
For you lovers of tattoo art, search motiv and the latest images, so you become more beautiful.
Thank You.
For you lovers of tattoo art, search motiv and the latest images, so you become more beautiful.
Thank You.
Thank you verry much
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